Glass’s CV editor George Alexander said “switched on” retail and trade buyers were already starting to see profit potential in good condition used vans that have covered more than 100,000 miles. Consequently. He suggested it was time for the market to “rethink mileage”.

“If the latest generation of common-rail diesels are potentially good for a quarter of a million miles, why should a well maintained van with mileage just above 100,000 miles overly concern potential buyers wanting quality, whilst needing value for money?” Alexander said.

Alexander argues that attitudes need to change not only to buying older vans, but also to maintaining them. Currently, he says customers buying old, high mileage vans for Guide disposal prices do not consider them worth servicing.

“The conclusion seems to be that a premium-built van, which is theoretically good for 250,000 miles must cover the last 150,000 miles without any of the care and attention lavished on it in its early life.”

Without a warranty to protect, servicing will most likely be carried out by independent garages. But to skip servicing altogether is a false economy, Alexander warns.

“If the work needed to keep the engine and running gear sweet is ignored, fuel consumption will suffer, costly breakdowns arise and any van will soon become unfit for purpose.”