Transport for London has started a trial where it will display live traffic information on the back of buses using digital information boards.

TfL describes the six-month long trial – which is taking place on the 344 route between Clapham Junction and Liverpool Street – as a “world first.”

The displays on the backs of the buses are fitted with GPS technology to give up-to-date information from TfL’s variable message sign network.

If successful, the digital boards could be expanded across London in the future, TfL said. The bus trial follows on from a similar project last year that saw a number of taxis displaying live traffic information on advertising boards.

Meanwhile, air quality alerts are now being installed across London as mayor of London Sadiq Khan attempts to educate the capital about air pollution.

During and on the day before ‘high and very high’ pollution days, air quality warnings will be displayed on 2500 bus countdown signs, and on 140 roadside signs on the busiest main roads into London, while electronic update signs will be installed at the entrances of all 270 London Underground stations.

The signs leading into London will also provide instructions to switch off engines when stationary in order to reduce emissions.