In addition all the details of the vehicle and its owner will be entered into the International Security Register, says the manufacturer. It believes that the visible and permanent marking of glazing and parts with a security code plus the ISR's 24-hour phone number will act as a powerful deterrent to thieves.

Iveco reckons that a van or truck that's been marked and registered with Retainagroup is 55 per cent less likely to be stolen than an unmarked one.

In addition, by providing a cross-check against other vehicle details such as the registration number, VIN and codes for audio systems, keys and locking wheel nuts, the system is especially effective when it comes to detecting if a vehicle has been cloned.

Iveco believes that the chances of recovery can be up to 72 per cent better if a stolen vehicle is marked and registered as the system makes a vehicle much harder and riskier to sell; even if it is broken up.

The ISR contact line provides the police, members of the public, dealers, operators and drivers with a year-round vehicle identity verification service. All inquiries are also checked against the Police National Computer's stolen vehicle file.