The brand said it had made the move in anticipation of possible changes to legislation covering commercial vehicles.

Manufacturers have come under pressure from safety campaigners

to make ESP standard. The system works to prevent vans from overturning when cornering by using information supplied by various sensors. If the ESP computer believes the vehicle is going to skid, it brakes the appropriate wheel or reduces engine power.

ESP also incorporates other technologies such as Load Adaptive Control, which gauges load size, position and the van’s centre of gravity to enable the systems to work most effectively, hill holder, which aids hill starts, Hydraulic Brake Assist, which supports emergency braking and Anti-Slip Regulation, which counteracts skidding.

Fiat continues to offer its ESP-linked Traction+ grip control system as an option on the Ducato. 

Traction+ is available at £150, with the choice of multi-season or winter tyres, priced at £200.

Sebastiano Fedrigo, Fiat Professional’s UK boss, said: “We have acted positively, in advance of any future legislation, and are committed to providing safe, efficient and environmentally-friendly transport solutions to businesses and fleets.”