Fully-loaded electric vans see a drop in real-world range of up to 14% compared with when they are empty, according to research by leasing company Arval.

In trials carried out at Millbrook Proving Ground, it was found that a half-loaded mid-size electric van saw a range dip of 7%, and a fully-loaded one of 11%, while half-loaded and fully-loaded large electric vans saw range dips of 11% and 14% respectively.

The effects of towing were also checked, and this was found to create an extra 14% drop in range for mid-sized electric vans, and an extra 20% drop in range for large electric vans.

By comparison, a diesel van is said to see a 15% fall in fuel efficiency when towing.

The research is included in Arval’s latest Electric Vehicles Revealed report.

Report contributor and Arval UK LCV consultant Simon Cook said: “For commercial vehicles, which typically tow while also carrying a full load, the research found range was reduced by between a quarter and a third over the real-use figure.

“What does this mean in reality? If your fully-charged van range is typically 120 miles unladen, then you’re looking at a 83-91 mile maximum while towing. If you’re already operating on the basis of a range while at 100% payload and a range of 105 miles, then the impact of towing will be a 14-22 mile decrease.”

Cook said that government electrification targets mean it is vital for operators to know which roles electric vans can fill.

He said: “Electric vehicles are very good for the act of towing – their smooth and instant power delivery really helps. However, the range and charging infrastructure mean electric vans won’t work for all businesses’ needs at this point in time. 

“Arval’s data empowers fleet managers and corporations to work out which jobs electric vans can do now. It also shows, when upcoming new longer-range electric vans are available, how these could be used by businesses.

“Solving the BEV adoption hurdles in the wider LCV market may need some significant work, but in all but a couple of areas progress is being made.

“Van ranges in the small and medium sectors are improving rapidly. Charging infrastructure is seeing significant investment. There are however still difficulties surrounding larger eLCVs that cover higher mileages.”