The IAM’s annual speed camera survey has revealed that 85% believe speed cameras have helped reduce the number of road deaths since the 1990s while speed awareness courses are considered a good idea by 72% of respondents.
But although 82% of people think it is acceptable for authorities to use speed cameras, 45% believe that their main aim is to generate revenue. Speed cameras are least popular in Wales, where 32% of people think their use is not acceptable. However, the survey also shows that the country has the highest rate of motorists caught speeding. In the last three years, 27% of people have been caught speeding or know someone in the household who has been caught speeding. In contrast, cameras are most popular in Scotland – only 15% are not in favour of them – but of those asked only 14% have been caught speeding or know someone in the household who has been. Results for England show 20% do not think the use of speed cameras is acceptable, and 19% of people have been convicted, or know someone in their household who has been caught speeding in the last three years.