Reuse charity toogoodtowaste is said to have achieved cost and efficiency savings having deployed the Webfleet fleet management system.

The charity, which operates a fleet of nine vans, is said to have reduced fuel consumption by more than 45 litres per week and gained an hour of operation per van per day, equating to annual savings of more than £3,000 and more than 2,000 calls.

The charity’s CEO Shaun England said: “Webfleet aligns perfectly with our sustainability objectives with its integration into our operations leading to more efficient route planning for collections and deliveries.

“What’s more, by giving us real-time feedback on driver behaviour, Webfleet OptiDrive 360 has enabled us to achieve further savings through the promotion of more fuel-efficient driving practices.

“Our fuel costs and carbon footprint have been cut dramatically and we have freed up a considerable amount of time that we can now use to support more people in our community and reduce waste to landfill.”